Monday 24 August 2020

There's an extract from Jacob's Advice in the always excellent Minor Literatures (image depicts graffiti in the rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi memorialising the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Cabu & Honoré). Read it here


The Jacob's Advice blog tour starts on 24th August. Here are the reviewers who will be covering the book.

Friday 21 August 2020

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Jacob's Advice Zoom launch on Aug 20th. Here's the cover of the book, along with the last remaining Eiffel Tower sprinkles biscuit (courtesy Samantha Ellis).

There's an extract from Jacob's Advice in the always excellent Minor Literatures. Read some of Nick's heartbroken flânuering from towards the end of the novel here

Cousins are at the heart of my second novel, Jacob's Advice. I wrote about my favourite novels with cousins for the Guardian