
Forthcoming Events:

9th Nov 2024, Stroud Literary Festival, with James Cook. Tickets here

Past Events include:

7th Feb 2013 Byron Easy Launch, Waterstone's Ludgate Circus

11th Feb 2013 The Book Stops Here

19th Feb 2013 Vanguard Readings

29th Aug 2015 Margate Bookie 

4th Oct 2015: Heroes Conference, Royal Geographic Society

20th Feb 2016  Albion Beatnik Bookshop Oxford Structo magazine launch

21st Aug 2016 Margate Bookie Literary Festival

31st Aug 2017 Screening of Home, Hackney Picture House

13th Dec 2017 Chair - Dodo Ink Showcase, Burley Fisher Books

1st Aug 2019  Unthanks Unthology #11 launch, Bicycle Shop, Norwich

19th Sept 2019 Vanguard Readings Unbound Special, The Peckham Pelican

10th Dec 2019 Kent Canterbury University, Open Reading series

20th August 2020 Jacob's Advice Launch, via Zoom

2nd Sept 2020 Salisbury Writers, Salisbury Lit Fest via Zoom

2nd March 2021 Jewish Book Week (at 12pm). Chair: Marina Benjamin. Book online here

17th Oct 2021 Chair - Neil Ansell, TAL Thame Literary Festival

5th June 2022 Margate Bookie Literary Festival, with Sam Mills. Info here

25th October 2022 Chair - Arachne Press launch: Anna Fodorova Czech Centre London

11th July 2023 Chair - Amanda Craig in conversation. Owl Bookshop Kentish Town. Tickets here

21st October 2023 Margate Bookie Literary Festival, with James Cook. Info

2nd Feb 2024 Soho Poly, In Her Room: Songs & Fragments with James Cook. Tickets here

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